北奕在引进国外先进技术和加工设备的基础上,不断创新,优化生产工艺流程,建立了符合安装环境实际情况的*特生产工艺和作业流程。为保证北奕机械的产品质量,不断改进和完善检测方法,实施科学的品质管理,获得SIRA国家GB/T19001-2008及idt ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。
工程应用范围:engineering application scope
•** municipal administration
•桥梁 bridge
•围堰 cofferdam
•建筑地基 construction foundation
The efficient of vibration pile method is higher than other methods. It is mainly applied to steel sheet pile, steel pipe pile and long slender concrete precast pile within 8 meters. This pile driving method is the most suitable for working in sand and poorer effect in the clay which must select higher power model machines.
BEIYI Machinery. V series high frequency hydraulic vibratory pile driver is using vibrating pile-sinking to drive or extract piles. It is especially suitable for municipal, bridges,cofferdam, building foundation etc. such short pile projects.
Vibratory Pile Driver working principle and engineering application scope
Vibrating pile hammer is using its high frequency vibration to vibrate pile body with high acceleration to pass the vertical vibration of mechanical produce to pile which leading to changes in the soil structure around the pile, strength decrease. Soil around the piles become liquefaction to reduce frictional resistance between side of the pile and the soil. Then using the excavator down force, vibrating pile hammer and pile body weight to sink pile into the soil. When extracting piles, in the condition of vibration to pull out the pile by using excavator lift force. Excitation force needed by pile driving machinery are comprehensive determined by site soil, soil condition, moisture content and type of pile, construction.
Product Adavantage:
1.Widely apply to steel sheet pile,concrete pile,rail pile,H sheet steel,steel tube
2.Higher efficiency to transform from driving to extracting
3.Less pile pulling force than any other equipment
4.Won't damage the feet and roof of the steel pile
5.Won't damage the buliding even if working frequently around the buliding
6.Could protect environment due to quiet work and short days for construction